Jazz Fest was AWESOME!
It’s 10 minutes of 9, on Sunday morning. We will be checking out of the hotel shortly, finding some breakfast, then making our way over to the last day of Jazz Fest 2010.
After an all out, “Cannonball Run” style, 18 hour drive, we have arrived. Thankfully the trip from Maryland to NOLA was fairly uneventful. Upon arrival, we parked the car, wandered around the French Quarter, got food and drinks, and checked in at the hotel.
“But our trip was different. It was to be a classic affirmation of everything right and true in the national character. A gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country. But only for those with true grit. And we are chock full of that, man.” – Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
One can’t go very far in the audio production world without coming across a forum post or magazine article lamenting the death of analog tape. “Analog sounds so much better,” they say. “Digital is cold and lifeless.” Analog recording certainly has a sound all its own, but is that sound really worth the headache of analog recording?
Saving your work is the most important thing you do when working with digital audio. The idea of saving in software is so routine that most of us don’t even think about it. Unfortunately, many of us overlook it, until it is too late.
Welcome to www.groundpotential.com! Groundpotential is a blog/podcast about audio production. I will be going over various concepts and techniques related to audio recording. I’m a big believer in doing things the right way, and I will start out here by going over basic concepts. My goal for this website is that it becomes an information resource for aspiring and experienced audio engineers that want to get better at what they do.